slow living – June


Now that June is finished, I’m following the example at Slow Living Essentials again this month, and using her categories to summarize my month.

June was slow for many reasons this month – one of them being an MS flare-up that kept me home from work and doing very little other than recuperating. I’m happy to be starting back to work this week because I’m more than a little tired of sitting around the house. Much as I’d like to be able to stay at home, I’d prefer to be at home with the energy and ability to accomplish something around the place. The fact that the girls were done school last week has had nothing to do with my wish to return to work. I swear.


Barbeque season is well under way here, so we’ve been cooking a lot of meals outside (except when the dad runs out of propane). The first few herbs and greens to come up in the garden have been making their way into our dinners, with our favourite being a baked rigatoni using swiss chard, onions, chives and basil from the garden. The girls have been helping out more in the kitchen too, and enjoyed making some bannock to go along with dinner.


It’s too early in the season to have anything to freeze or use for jam. I did have big plans to raid my old rhubarb patch, but it just didn’t happen. I am looking forward to getting some strawberries picked and making double the amount of jam that we made last year.


The dad continues to keep the household in good running order. Not much out of the ordinary has happened in this category this month and there is a list of old equipment and assorted stuff that I would like to sell or pass off to someone else on Kijiji (internet classifieds). There is also a growing list of projects to accomplish – cleaning out and repairing the greenhouse is somewhere on the list. I look forward to getting that mess cleaned up.


{Green – cleaners, body products and basic herbal remedies}:

I made a furniture cleaner/polish using oil and vinegar that worked great on an old dried out looking church pew that we have on our front porch.



The garden is all planted, including some berry canes that we bought locally, plus some others that a family friend dug out of her own patch. Because of all of the rain and the general scarcity of heat for most of June, the garden is slow taking off. It’ll get there, though. The dad is out playing in it with the rototiller right now. The weeds are trying to take over the world, so he is trying to give the rest of the vegetables a fighting chance. The kids are off at the local Canada Day celebration today, luckily escaping the hands and knees weeding that we would have tried to talk them into.


I have nothing to report here. There was a general lack of productivity around here again this month.



I’ve read close to a dozen books this month – some of them pictured above. All of them were purely for pleasure – I wasn’t in a learning frame of mind. I ordered and enjoyed a few books from a few favourite authors to help pass some time.

We’re also well into the third season of Breaking Bad on DVD, having become hooked. You have to keep watching to find out of the characters manage to remain lucky despite the constant stupidity of their actions.

{Enhance – community}:

I’m not sure that there is anything to write here, other than the farm is still a place that neighbours drop in on for a visit — just like it was when my in-laws were living here. This time of year there is usually someone sitting in the porch on the weekend, having a coffee or a beer and a bit of a gossip (farmers love to gossip).



We had a milestone birthday this month – the small squeaky kid turned 10. There have been a few dinners with friends and neighbours and now that the weather is warming up again, we have been spending a bit more time in the porch. I’m looking forward to getting back into the swing of things and back to normal in July, hopefully with more accomplished and more to write about.


37 thoughts on “slow living – June

  1. sounds like you are feeling better if you are going back to work. as always enjoy your monthly round up–Happy Canada Day!

  2. Velva says:

    Your June has been busy. Glad you are feeling better.

  3. Do you have a GoodReads account? I’d love to follow and see what books you read and rated.

  4. Glad you are feeling better. Im looking forward to reading about making jam. It is something I have never tried.

  5. I’m happy to hear that you are feeling better! And it’s ok to have a slow slow living month. Less can certainly be more! Hope your garden starts kicking butt! My squash plants are enormous and producing lots of little baby squash. I cannot wait to have a big plate of sauteed squash for dinner!

    • I suppose it was a good month to take it slow – not much other than planting going on. I can honestly say that I have never looked forward to a plate full of squash (except for zucchini, Im not a fan).

  6. Jennifer says:

    You always have the best pictures. I feel like I’m right there with you!

  7. Tina says:

    I saw Flight Behavior in your book pile. I am trying to read it but having trouble getting through the first chapter, does it pick up?

  8. Fairy says:

    It sounds as though ‘slow’ was definitely what you needed to recuperate. Glad to hear you are feeling stronger and planning to head back to work.

  9. Happy Canada Day. I’m glad to hear that you are feeling better.

  10. Deb Weyrich-Cody says:

    Hey Heidi, hope you had a Happy Canada Day (even if only because you’re SO looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow; ) As to not having accomplishing anything this month, I totally disagree! You’ve recuperated enough to go back to work and, in my opinion, that’s huge! (Besides, you didn’t miss anything anyway; everyone is behind on everything this Spring because of the weather, it’s not just you; )

  11. I’m glad the rest has helped you recuperate and feeling better it seems. At least you got to do some reading which you don’t get time for least not as much. You’ll need your strength when the garden is ready for picking and cooking and preserving… Take care Heidi.. Diane

  12. Lynne Ayers says:

    I’m glad you are feeling better Heidi. I’m impressed once again with your ingenuity – vinegar and oil furniture polish? Really? Anything else in it? Would you just use it on old wood or would you put it to your finer furniture too?

  13. hollykaann says:

    I just stopped by your blog, I like this post and the way you summed up the month. Very nice

  14. I’m glad you are feeling better, I wore myself out this past week and am currently recuperating myself.

    Our gardens are responding just like yours, slowly. So far we’ve only been able to pick from the strawberries, radishes and peas but it is a start and gives mr hope.

    Looming forward to seeing your greenhouse, I didn’t realize you had one.

    Now just don’t do too much and wear yourself down.

  15. Happy Canada Day! I like your book stack; you’ll have to let me know how the Isabel Allende was.

  16. DublinEcolo says:

    Beautiful post… Really like the flower and will try your oil & vinegar furniture polish

  17. Hi there! How did you like the homemade wood cleaner? I have an antique trunk from the 1880s that I am renovating. I want to bring some of the wood panels back to life, but want to use home ingredients instead of harsh chemicals. This sounds like it might work!

  18. Sorry to hear you’ve under the weather but great you are still doing the slow living posts!

  19. Sarah says:

    The flower is gorgeous! I just love these posts. I always have more energy have I read them. I’m glad you’re back to work! Which means you’re feeling better. Yay! Enjoy your July, and take good care 🙂

  20. Kathy says:

    Popping in from slow living essentials. Your veggie garden looks huge so you should have lots of fresh produce from a size like that. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

  21. Christine says:

    Sorry to hear you haven’t been well. I really like the look of your furniture polish – thanks for sharing. All the best for a positive July. 🙂

  22. Wendy Meijer says:

    Lovely post, hope you feel better soon !

  23. I really like the way you sort out your month in these categories and keep meaning to do the same thing. Hope you continue to improve, that Canada day celebrations were fun and that the garden grows well in July 🙂

So, what do you think?