an easy bannock recipe for a simple dinner bread

016I’m currently taking some time off of work to ride out a MS relapse. Normally, my MS just operates in the background of my life and I am able to mostly ignore it and work around it. Every now and again something new will pop up to make life a bit less fun and that is when my attention focuses on it again for a while, like right now.

I’m experiencing muscle weakness, spasticity and numbness and the feeling of most of my body being encased in a large overinflated blood pressure cuff. My fingers want to curl into my hands, making my hand eye-coordination a little challenging. I managed to shove my toothbrush up my nose while trying to brush my teeth the other day (the resulting minty fresh nostril was very disconcerting). I also think I lost a band-aid off of my numb finger while washing my hair and I’m still waiting for it to make an appearance somewhere in the curls – the numb hands keep me from feeling around in there to find it. And typing is interesting (obviously not impossible, just slow). I was also having some difficulty with walking and balance, but a few days worth of steroid treatment have helped greatly.

However, life, lived simply, still manages to go on. My family is a great help – my mom has been helping by driving me to the hospital and doing laundry, the girls keep up their part of household chores and my husband fills in the other spaces. And I keep doing as much as possible to appear normal. Normal feels good, even when my body feels out of whack.

So, this is a very simple pan-fried bread that is great served hot with butter as an accompaniment to some soup, chili or even curry. As you can see, the kids can be made to mix it up and make it themselves (even when they come home tired from a full day of track and field). And they like it, they really like it. It’s also a great treat when made over the campfire and served hot with butter and jam.

This recipe makes just enough for 4 portions, but can easily be doubled for more.

Easy Bannock

  • 1-1/2 cups flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil or melted butter
  • 3/4 cup water

Measure dry ingredients into a large bowl.  Stir to mix.  Pour oil (or melted butter) and water and stir to make a ball.

Turn dough out on a lightly floured surface, and knead gently about 10 times.  Cut the dough ball into 4 equal balls and pat into a flat circles ~ 3/4 to 1 inch thick.

Cook in a greased frying pan over medium heat, allowing about 5-10 minutes for each side. Best when served hot.

Linked to Wildcrafting Wednesday, Frugally Sustainable, GNOWFGLINS, A Pinch of Joy

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47 thoughts on “an easy bannock recipe for a simple dinner bread

  1. Velva says:

    This is a simple beautiful bread. Thanks for sharing it. Thanks for sharing your story. I hope that you feel better soon.

  2. Heidi, I sure hope you are feeling better soon, you have an amazing family! I have been having some pain and stiffness due to the return of the colder weather, but know this crazy weather must be playing havoc with your system even more so than just the normal change of season. loved how you put it “can be made to mix it”. It didn’t appear to be much of a hardship from the look of your youngest’s face.

  3. cecilia says:

    You are such a strong person, to soldier through, I hope things stabilise again for you soon.. and i am sure your good simple food regime must help a lot. c

  4. I hope you are feeling better for sure, and this recipe looks awesome and easy; I’ve never made bannocks- biscuits yes, naan bread yes, and all kinds of yeast breads, but I will try this!

  5. I will repeat what other’s have put in their comments. Hope you are feeling much better soon Heidi.

  6. I really hope you feel better soon. It’s hard with kids when you aren’t on top form. It’s good to hear they keep up with the chores and that they can mix this very tasty sounding bread. All the best to you 🙂

  7. Fairy says:


    Ditto. I am sorry to hear that MS is taking centre stage in your life right now.

    I just wanted to ask if you have ever considered trying a gluten-free diet in an effort to reduce the symptoms. I have heard of it being beneficial for MS as well as other auto-immune diseases.

    My symptoms of joint pain and other vague symptoms as well as disordered blood profile indicated some sort of auto-immune issues which no -one could definitively diagnose so I decided to bite the bullet and try gluten-free/whole foods about 10 months ago. The pain all but disappeared in 48 hours and I just feel so much better.

    Whatever you decide I wish you all the best.

    Fairy xxxx

    • I’ve read about different disease modifying diets before with interest. I’m not sure what keeps me from trying them – general laziness, and an unwillingness to make change, maybe. I might be a little more motivated right now to try something new though. Thanks.

      • Fairy says:

        I agree – you have to be ready to change. I have a couple of friends who are coeliac and I used to think it would be impossible to give up bread etc but once I made the decision when I was ready it was easy. The fact that I felt so much better gave me the impetus to continue. Initially, I cut out all grains but now I do have a modest amount of rice occasionally.. There are a few more details on my other blog

        Best wishes and I know your girls will step in and help while you need it.

        Take care.

  8. lvaletutto says:

    This flatbread looks really tasty and sounds easy to make. I’ll have to give this a try the next time we make a curry. I really hope you will get a break from the MS soon and get back into your “normal”. A dear friend of mine has RA and I know how tough it is for her to be on and off of steroids when her symptoms get bad. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  9. amy b. says:

    Sorry to hear you’re dealing with MS, Heidi. Makes my allergy spikes seem a non-event in comparison. Nice that your family is so helpful for your tough times. Thanks for continuing to stay connected on the blog, too… seems I’ve lately let go some of the reading/commenting, but do enjoy connecting very much. I’ll have to try your bread recipe soon… seems like an easy fallback option.

  10. Hope your flare-up flares down soon! I am not sure why I’ve never made bannock. A friend of mine cooks it over a campfire by rolling some dough on the end of a stick – when it’s done, it leaves a hole for jam!

  11. I’m glad you have a good support system. I hope the MS quiets itself soon. I had to giggle at your picture … love kids that age! 🙂

  12. Jennifer says:

    This looks just like the cornbread my grandmother used To make! I’m so happy you have such a supportive family. I hope you’re feeling back to your old self soon.

  13. Kerry says:

    Feel better soon!! (I love breads. Way too much!)

  14. I’ll try this recipe out today, thanks! When we go to Arizona to visit my husband’s family I always try to find a place selling fry bread made by the local Native Americans. I’m wondering how closely this bread will resemble that. The recipe for German pancakes is almost solely responsible for my surviving this last pregnancy I think 🙂 I’m so sorry to hear of your MS flair up. I struggled with fibromyalgia for about 10 years, and remember how frustrating it would be to be unable to use my hands and arms for extended periods of time. You’ve been added to my prayers.

  15. Sarah says:

    Oh Heidi. I am soooooooooo very sorry you’re having to go through this right now. 😦 I’m devastated to hear this. What I do love though, is your determination….and your amazing attitude and sense of humor. I know you’ll feel better soon, but in the meantime, I hope you’re really taking it easy and putting those kids to work 🙂

    And thank you for the bread! This is exactly the kind of thing I want to eat right now, but seem to have a hard time finding good recipes. So, thanks again!

    I had to reset WordPress again!! To send me actual emails when you post, which hasn’t happened in weeks, I swear, I thought you were taking a break. Ugh! I’m sorry about that too.

    P.S. You have the most adorable kids ever!

    • Shhh.. Don’t let them hear that. It goes right to their heads.

      The bread is easy, basic and tasty. That’s about all I can ever hope for. I leave the impressive cooking up to my husband. 🙂

  16. I am so sorry to hear that you are having a flare up with your MS that is keeping you moving at a slower, less coordinated pace. I hope that it passes for you quickly and MS moves to the background. And thank you so much for reminding me about this bread. I had made it awhile back and loved how rustic, tasty and simple it was~

  17. Nice recipe. I am sorry you are having difficulties. I have a question you may be able to answer- last summer my son was camping in Ontario and had french fries he could not stop raving about.. They had all different stuff on them. Do you know anything about these fries?

  18. shoes says:

    I am sorry to hear you are living with MS, I hope this latest attack passes quickly. I love the picture – so true to life. And the flatbread looks amazing!

  19. You did such a good job on this post. I can’t type that well with two hands neither one of which is numb. You are an inspiration.

  20. […] Hubby’s new obsession. It’s a super easy, ultra yummy recipe for Bannock from Heidi over at Lightly Crunchy and it. is. magnificent. I had never made this before, have you? […]

  21. Hi Heidi. Gosh, It sounds like you are having a rough time of it. When it is just an annoying thing in the background, you just sort of get on and it is what it is. I hate how every now and again it decides to remind you of its presence, although having said that it seems you are being much braver right now than I have ever had to be. I always take comfort in the saying – what doesn’t kill you can only make you stronger, and soon enough you will be well once again and able to do what you love. Stay strong.
    Cheers Sarah : o )

  22. Great recipe! Funny face 😉 and wonderful girls! Concentrate on your health and feel better! Thanks for sharing on Wildcrafting Wednesday! Hope to see you again today at:

  23. […] from the garden. The girls have been helping out more in the kitchen too, and enjoyed making some bannock to go along with […]

  24. I’m so sorry to hear about your MS – it sounds awful!! I feel for your girl. This bread, however; looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing it! Celeste 🙂

  25. […] that was prepared for the feast was bannocks, or bannock bread. A blogger that I like to follow posted a recipe for these last summer and today was the day I finally tried my hand at it. These little breads were […]

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