
Bath Oil for PMS Relief

Eucalyptus Bath Salts

Ginger, Cinnamon and Orange Sore Muscle Soak

Lavender Bath Soak

Lavender Cooling Spray

Lip Balm

Lemon Olive Oil Gardener’s Hand Scrub

Mojito Sugar Scrub (cooling body scrub)

Rosemary Mint Shampoo and Body Wash

Sore Muscle Bath Soak

Vapour Rub (made with essential oils)



Lavender Beeswax Candle

Pixelated Photo Art

Traditional Housewarming Gifts

Traditional Housewarming Gifts, Part 2

Easy Project to Attract Birds – string feeder for bird’s nests


Household/Cleaning Supplies

Dishwasher Soap Powder

Febreeze Alternative

Peppermint Laundry Soap

Wood Polish/Cleaner



Cowl Scarf (Knit Mobius Cowl)

Dishcloth (knitting pattern)

Gift Bag

Socks – easy knitting pattern for beginners

Swaddling Blanket

7 thoughts on “DIY

  1. Deinya Mautz says:

    any suggestions for cat urine? We have removed the carpet and let the wood floors dry. Tried various commercial stuff with and without chemicals to little avail. Need sosmething that can go directly on wood floors.

    • No, sorry – I’ve only ever used vinegar to combat cat urine, but haven’t had it soak into hardwood on me before. I know my husband had a rental unit that had been badly maintained by tenants and there was so much cat urine soaked in that they had to remove flooring, the plywood underneath and the drywall, then paint the entire unit in some kind of metal based paint. I hope your problem isn’t that dire.

    • kate says:

      This happened to us, we realized most of the scent was coming from the base of the wall and painted it with kilts, as for our hardwood, i used vinegar, with orange zest and it worked better than anything commercial we tried. Good luck!

      • Holly Martin says:

        Baking soda maybe?? I don’t think it will HURT to try it. I’ve made a baking soda /peroxide paste and rubbed it into some drawers a bunch of cats had been using and the odor went away. J just rubbed it in there and left it for about an hour, then wiped it out w damp cloth.

  2. […] from Lightly Crunchy, is so organized she has an entire page of her tutorials  broken down by category.  You can learn to make everything from skin care to tea cup candles along […]

  3. donna bernhard says:

    Heidi, Incredible gem of a site. Found you by googling ‘how to clean old, antique,dried-out table & saw’vinegar &olive oil…’ Was so impressed, I then googled you. 1st, bless you. 2nd, great site &blog! Turning 60 in Dec & your site takes me back home–middle Tennessee–where I grew up. Now, having been in Seattle for 30 yrs, I love every time each yr I go back to rural, mid Tenn. Nothing tastes better than food you’ve nurtured & nothing beats driving down the road & lifting your hand off the steering wheel to wave at the driver of the approaching car, no matter if you know ’em or not. You know, I figured out long ago that it doesn’t matter if one is in the country outside of NY or Orlando, outside Nashville or Ontario, rural life is the same. Accents may differ but ‘real folk’are real folk. Looking forward to more exploring on your site. Thank you for keeping our important traditions alive. You rock, Heidi. Oh & by the way, I did not marry one of those ‘handy’guys…why I went searching & found your site! Thank you — Donna/Seattle

  4. Deinya Mautz says:

    Thanks for the tip.

So, what do you think?