a little update


It has been a long time since I’ve written and I’m not sure if anyone will still be around to read this, but I am going to try to catch any stragglers up on what has been happening.

The tall hormonal kid and the small squeaky kid have both stopped growing and are taller than me. I no longer feel like I have all the power. And their ability to argue against everything that they are asked to do continues to improve in creativity. It doesn’t get them anywhere, but it is interesting to hear.

The tall kid has discovered rep hockey and rugby, so we are on the road a lot. This year she made Team Ontario for rugby and won the provincial championships, which led to her being one of 60 girls chosen from across Canada for the selection camps for Under 18 Team Canada. Now the 15 year-old has an eating plan and a training plan that will be monitored as part of the selection process. That is interesting. Have you ever seen a teenager give up junk food willingly? This coming weekend she will be playing with the Eastern Ontario team at a tournament in NYC. It has given her many opportunities to travel and meet new people and we are all having a blast. Last summer we drove to Nova Scotia to watch one of her tournaments. The hockey travel has mostly taken over now (last night we had our first drive through a winter storm to a hockey game) but there is still rugby filling in the cracks.

The small(er) squeaky kid has a new horse and continues to take lessons and pony club and enter into occasional shows. She started playing rugby too this year. Her big sister was excited until I nixed the idea of using her for tackling practice.

The dad has sold his old business and bought a new one. It’s keeping him busier than he anticipated, which is excellent any way you look at it. He also has a few staff now and therefore the freedom to take time when he needs to drive the kids to their various sports. Mercifully he hasn’t attempted to grow a mustache this year for Movember.

And I am now a stay at home mom. The leave from work became permanent because of changing health due to MS. It took a while to adjust and cope with the change in circumstances and health, but I think I am as close to being back to normal as possible. I took lessons and had hand controls installed in my car, so I’ve gained my independence back again. I was also referred to a doctor who helped with pain control, set up occupational therapy and physical therapy and has made suggestions that led to a lot of improvements. I have my independence back and am even going to the gym three times a week and using a personal trainer. Nothing can stop me now.

I stopped writing because I was no longer doing a lot of the things that I wrote about, but I think that we occasionally manage to do something interesting that will make it in this space. Hopefully it will also be entertaining.



24 thoughts on “a little update

  1. Diane Cole says:

    Welcome back! So good to hear from you. Diane from Westlakemusings

  2. Laura says:

    I am so happy to see you back writing. I don’t know you, and while I did start following you for your posts on ginger tea and pumpkin pie, I kept following you because I like your voice. I remember reading that you had MS and I worried that that was the reason why you had stopped writing. I am very happy to hear that you are getting stronger and wanted you to know that there are still people around wanting to read this (even strangers from across the country). All the best.

  3. I also am very happy to hear from you and to know that you are doing better healthwise, and also that your time is filled with kid activities and not all health concerns. Write when you have time and we will be glad to hear from you.

  4. I have thought of you often and I’m delighted that you and the family are doing so well. Will be here and continue reading!

  5. Fairy says:

    Hello Heidi

    I was so excited to receive my email notification of you new post. I think of you often and had been worried about your health. I am so pleased that you have managed to rebalance your life and activities. You sound very positive and I wish you all the very best.

    We may have even passed you on the road during the summer as we achieved our goal of a trip to the Maritime provinces of Canada. We were away for 6 weeks with a couple of days in Chicago and Boston before spending a bit over 3 weeks in Nova Scotia (including Cape Breton Island), Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick before heading to Quebec City, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto. If you would like to see where we went it is on my travel blog – https://mobilecastle.wordpress.com/

    I will definitely being hanging around for any future posts. Thanks for the update.

    • I will definitely go and have a look. We drove the same route – we stopped in Quebec, Nova Scotia for rugby, then drove through New Brunswick and on to PEI for a week long holiday. It was a fun trip even though it was only 13C while we were in Nova Scotia. In July.

  6. Rosemary says:

    Hi Heidi I was just thinking of you the other day, so happy to receive an up to date. So glad that you are doing better and I look forward to hearing more. Take care.

  7. Wow, great to hear from you Heidi! (Funny, I was just thinking of your Christmas tree photos the other day; ) SO glad that things are progressing for (all of) you!: )

  8. Nice to see you pop back up this week.

  9. What a delight to see your name in my inbox again and to get the updates on your young people. I am delighted to hear that you have your independence back too, so important if it can be managed and you’ve managed it.
    I look forward to more posts as you get around to them . 🙂

  10. Wonderful news about the kid’s accomplishments and goals… and I’m so happy to hear that you’re feeling better and more independent.

    I occasionally drive with Hubba’s hand controls. It’s a strange feeling for sure.

  11. Helen says:

    Just caught up with this post – it didn’t come up on my feed. Anyway, good to hear you got your independence back. I hope 2017 has started well for you.

  12. Helen says:

    I’ve just caught up with this post as I didn’t see it on my newsfeed. Anyway, good to hear you’ve got your independence back. I hope 2017 has started well for you, Heidi.

  13. Jordan says:

    Hi, great post! I am modeling my blog to be fitness inspiration and definitely want to use content like this. I look forward to seeing more of your ideas! And as a fellow rugby player, keep rocking it!

  14. I think it says something about me that I am only reading this now and it was posted in November–but I really enjoyed catching up with you. Keep catching us up on occasion–you guys sound really busy!

  15. Linne says:

    Not sure if I’ve ever commented on a post here before today, but I’ve checked in from time to time and see your comments on some mutual friends’ blogs. Anyway, I’m glad to hear things are going well for you. One of my uncles had MS and lived to nearly 90; My Auntie was into alternative therapies as well as the conventional approaches, so was able to slow down the progress significantly. I hope you find the same sort of results. I’ll watch for your posts again; glad you are back, even if only occasionally. Life with active kids is definitely interesting. I love the photo of you younger daughter jumping; I’ve been a horse nut since I was pre-school age. And congratulations to your eldest on making Team Canada! Well done!! See you again one day . . . ~ Linne

  16. Catherine says:

    Hello, I just found your post through Pinterest which I rarely look at… must have been kismet. I enjoyed reading your blog posts and just saw this one about you having MS.

    I have just found out I tested positive with Celiac disease. Still waiting for the appointment with the specialist at Women’s College Hospital (yes, I’m in southern Ontario too). However, I have started reading up on my own and come across a few books you might be interested in as well. From what I’ve read: MS is an autoimmune disease much as my Rheumatoid Arthritis is. There is a very strong connection with gluten sensitivity.

    The books I highly recommend are ***No grain, No Pain by Dr. Peter Osbourne (functional doctor), Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis (cardiologist) and Grain Brain by Dr. David Perlmutter (neurologist). Although they are each in a different discipline, they all say basically the same thing: That we aren’t designed to eat wheat & gluten, especially in the present GMO, Roundup-laden (pesticide) form that we have in our food supply. However, even if we have the genetic weakness that we develop an autoimmune disease, we can control the progression and pain through our diet. I wish you health and pray for your recovery. Catherine

  17. Heidi how are you? From Renee’ another MSer

  18. Just have been thinking of you so took a look to see… Hope you are doing okay! I’ve been on and off blogging lately ..more off than on ! Diane

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