how to ride to school in style

The small squeaky kid won a poster contest at school for fire safety, which was pretty exciting for her in itself, but the prize was even better – a ride to school on the fire truck with the lights flashing. We always said there were flashing red lights in her future.

Another memory recorded.

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42 thoughts on “how to ride to school in style

  1. boy, oh boy, I would have loved that!

  2. What a treat, bet she was the star attraction at school that morning.

  3. Tamara says:

    Ok. How awesome is that!

  4. Kerry says:

    Fun!! She’ll have a very cool story to tell her kids/grandkids one day!

  5. A lovely post today, every child’s dream. Congratulations to S K for winning this fun reward.

  6. Deb Weyrich-Cody says:

    Huge congrats to “the small squeaky kid”! Hopefully this was the right kind of red flashing lights?
    Apparently you are on one flank of “The County”, while we are on the other… Still, closer neighbours than most; ) So, what kind of a driver’s licence do you need to drive a zamboni? Boy, is this ever the Canadian Dream, or what? LOL!

    • I’m even closer than you think – the firetruck came from a neighbouring township, not ours (which is reassuring, since they couldnt find our address). Nothing like knowing the fire dept can’t find you..

      • Deb Weyrich-Cody says:

        Hopefully they’ll never have a need, but better to find out now (and your “omission” has now been rectified??)

  7. What a great and fun thing for her!….Never a dull moment…Diane

  8. Such a simple, yet monumental thing.

  9. Ange says:


  10. Now that is a great prize!

  11. Lauren says:

    Oh, the joy! I love it.

    I was a poster contest winner back in my day. Just sayin’.

  12. Sarah says:

    How cool is THAT?! I’D be thrilled to have that ride, even now that I’m old. And how cute is your daughter? She’s adorable! I’d love to see her winning poster!

  13. oceannah says:

    What a great way to start the day!! hmmm a zamboni, now what would the shrinks have to say about that heheheee….

  14. MrsYub says:

    Totally, TOTALLY cool!!!!

  15. Somer says:

    YES! I love the look of glee on her little face!!! 🙂 p.s. sorry for being such a bad friend, that little package I promised to send you is finally on its way, it got lost beneath the seat of my car, and of course I forgot all about it until I cleaned out my car on Monday, it did however inspire today’s post 😉 xoxo

    • Exciting! Thankyou, I’ll look forward to it. I was just re-reading the instructions for the soap yesterday. I would like to try making some in the next couple of weekends. Can that recipe be doubled or tripled, or is there a different calculation needed to do that.

      • Somer says:

        I’ll go back and edit the soap post to include instructions for a 5 lb batch, which is what I make most often, less is a waste of time (unless you are practicing or testing a new recipe you’re not sure will work) and more is a bit unmanageable.

      • Somer says:

        Updated 5 lb batch on the site! Best of luck!

  16. Roar Sweetly says:

    I’m 37 and I still get excited when I see a fire truck! Congratulations to your daughter.

  17. Shira says:

    What fun! She must have been beside herself!

  18. Tammy says:

    That is just the bomb!! Perhaps that’s why in Spanish, they are bomberos. Kudos to that kid of yours.

  19. Lynne Ayers says:

    How absolutely, totally, cool. Yay for the small squeaky one.

So, what do you think?